There’s a Method to Our Mathematics
Mathmaji’s curriculum exceeds the U.S. Common Core State Standards and is in step with the national curriculum standard of Japan - one of the leading countries for math education. Our innovative math sequence is your student’s step-by-step guide to success!
Numbers and Calculations
Your students can learn to calculate quickly and correctly!
Does your student get bogged down when learning new math concepts? New math ideas can be a drag when you haven’t yet mastered addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Mathmaji’s unique approach provides a roadmap of the connections between these operations and propels your student along the shortest route to calculation confidence!
Get ahead by getting a grip on numbers
Calculations are effortless for students who can quickly 'make 10,' or identify pairs of numbers that sum to 10! That's why Mathmaji focuses on pairs that sum to 10 and then expands to 'making 100,' 'making 1000,' and more. When your students know how to 'make 10,' calculating is a cinch - even with decimals, fractions, ratios, and approximate numbers!
'Making 10' makes calculating easy
Once children learn to walk or read or ride a bike, they don't have to think about what they're doing, they just do it! What if your student could answer multiplication problems the same way? As students have fun solving Mathmaji's lessons, they're racking up experience with multiplication solutions and techniques so that multiplying becomes second nature. And when they encounter a problem in homework or life, they won't hesitate - they'll just solve it!
Familiarity breeds fluency
Understanding Numbers
In just minutes, your kindergartener will be building numbers UP TO 100. Mathmaji makes working with place values as EASY as stacking blocks!
Add and Subtract by “Making 10”
With just these FIVE sums, your child can MASTER quick addition and subtraction.
Line ‘Em Up!
Your child will learn the difference between "how many?" and "in what order?" It’s as easy as “FIRST, SECOND, THIRD”!
Making 10
Numbers Greater than 10
Ordinal Numbers
Numbers Greater than 20
Grade 1
Add and Subtract BIG Numbers
Carrying and borrowing are a BREEZE with the “Making 10” strategy!
Beyond 100
Master EVEN BIGGER numbers using groups of tens and ones.
Fraction Folding Fun
Harness the power of ORIGAMI to see HOW FRACTIONS WORK!
Addition within 20
Let’s Express the Size of Divided Parts
Solving Problems Using Diagrams
Subtraction within 20
Addition of Numbers up to 100
Numbers Greater than 20
Subtraction of Numbers up to 100
Grade 2
Multiplication IS Addition
If you can ADD, you can MULTIPLY!
Expand Your Horizons
Explore a world of BIGGER numbers and SMALLER fractions!
Stack It Up to Figure It Up!
This SIMPLE ARRANGEMENT makes adding two- and three-digit numbers a CINCH!
Addition within 100
Addition within 1000
Math Sentences with an Unknown
Subtraction within 100
Subtraction within 1000
Equal-size Parts
Numbers up to 1000
Grade 3
A Place for Everything…
Your child will learn how COLUMNS make it easy to multiply TWO-DIGIT NUMBERS!
Divide and Conquer
TRIUMPH over division problems using MULTIPLICATION!
Numbers, Large and Small
Your child will learn to make CONFIDENT calculations – from the TINIEST DECIMALS up to ONE MILLION!
Multiplication Patterns
Multiplication Algorithm
More Math Sentences with an Unknown
Numbers Greater than 1000
Grade 4
Long Division Made Easy
Your child will learn to make SHORT WORK of LONG DIVISION problems!
Operate on Another Level
What comes first—addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division? When you know the ORDER OF OPERATIONS, it’s EASY!
Destination: Approximation
Your child will learn how to apply this ESSENTIAL SKILL to a host of REAL-WORLD problems.
Numbers up to One Trillion
The Structure of Fractions
The Structure of Decimals
Multiplication and Division of Fractions by Counting Numbers
Order of Operations
Associative, Distributive, and Commutative Properties
Division by Single-Digit and Two-Digit Numbers
Multiplication and Division of Decimal Numbers by Counting Numbers
Approximate Numbers
Grade 5
Prime Time
What are prime numbers and how can they help SOLVE DIVISION PROBLEMS? Your child will find out!
Get To the Point
Learn the SIMPLE TRICK that’s KEY to multiplying and dividing DECIMALS.
Fractions In Action
Your child can multiply, divide, add, and subtract FRACTIONS like a PRO!
Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
Even, Odd, and Prime Numbers
Multiples and Divisors
Relationships among Counting Numbers, Decimals, and Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions